If you are just joining our story, feel free to start from the beginning, first blog post titled "The Beginning" on April 18, 2013.

After the new year (2000), wedding prep went into full swing.  I look back now and see how everything fell into place.  It was a little challenge planning a wedding in a town that I was unfamiliar with and that neither Brian or myself was living in.  But there were a few key people that helped us pull everything together.  We literally could not have done it without them!  I was so blessed that Brian had so many people who love him and who were willing to bring this wedding together.  I don't remember too much about those several months before the wedding.  It seemed like it was years between each visit with Brian and every conversation was all about the wedding.  As great as it was, it also was a little frustrating, but this was life!  
I also had a hair mishap that I clearly remember!  I had highlights put in my hair several months before the wedding and my hair started turning orange, but only in the back!  I ended up going to several different hair stylist to try and figure out what was going on.  One person bleached my hair to the point that it burnt it and I had to cut it all off.  And even after that, it turned orange again!  Someone I worked with just mentioned in passing one day that the water at our house must have iron in it.  The iron was turning my hair!  She also told me there was a little packet I could buy at the beauty store that would take that orange color out, it was less than $2!  It worked!  But in the meantime, I had to change the way I did my hair, and had never planned to have really short hair on my wedding day.  But there was nothing I could do about it, and Brian loved it thankfully!  It's funny that I don't remember a whole lot, but I certainly remember that!  
The letters I wrote Brian through these few months were very whiney, I was ready to be with him.  I missed him so bad.  I hate to zoom through these months before the wedding, but I don't remember a whole lot about them.  I have my planner that I wrote everything in, and I look back and see the different appointments and calls and all the stuff that had to be done.  I really did love all of it, it was so much fun to me.  Brian tried to make as few trips as possible only because he would have to come down for the wedding showers.  After that it would be over a month before I would see him again and that would be for the wedding.  It was the final stretch!  I was beyond ready!  
This is one of my favorite parts coming up! The man that God made for me would finally be mine.  One season in my life would be coming to an end, and a new one beginning.  Thank God for seasons!  
What season do you feel like you're in?  I want to hear from you!
Thank you for reading, don't forget to share and always remember:
YOU are worthy of love!

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