If you are just joining our story, feel free to start from the beginning, first blog post titled "The Beginning" on April 18, 2013.

I'm so proud of Brian for writing such a great post!  It was fun to see everything he had to say and the way he remembered it.   Maybe I'll see if he'll write another one a little further into our story!  In case you missed it here is the link: Brian's Side

I believe I left off in November 1999:
I didn't get to spend Thanksgiving with Brian that year we were engaged, but we did spend Christmas together.  It's funny, I remember being so nervous about what to get him.  We were trying to save as much money as we could for the wedding/honeymoon and life!  I don't even know what I got him, let me ask him.  I know he got me a Guess leather coat and some perfume.  Oh, that's right, I got him a pea coat and some cologne also!  I loved that Brian has always been really good with picking out clothes for me.  He has a great eye! During this time he would tell me about different outfits he remembered me wearing at Teen Mania.  He loved this one little black pants jumper I wore  with a scarf .  It just blew my mind that he remembered specific times.  I really didn't realize how much he was paying attention back then!  Brian on the other hand dressed like a Georgia boy! He did have a rock star trapped inside of him, I just had to help him find his way out!  Its neat to see how we've both changed so much through the years. And just a side note, I love that Georgia boy just as much as I love the rock star side!
New Years came and went, 2000 was here and nothing crashed or Y2K'd.  I didn't get to bring in the new year with Brian but we were on the phone with each other when the ball dropped.  I was so sad to not be with him, but so excited that this would be the year to start my life with Brian.  I just couldn't get enough of him, each visit was always too short and too much time in between, but I was thankful for every one of them.  
Brian learned quickly that I loved surprises, it didn't have to be anything big, but I love them!  He came to see me one time and was supposed to show up on a Friday.  He had it planned to show up the night before but didn't tell me.  My Mama kept encouraging me to straighten up my room that day, and shortly after supper I walked out of the bathroom (great timing Stacie) and there was Brian!  Another time, we were headed to church Sunday morning and came to an intersection.  My Dad says, "Hey, that guy looks just like Brian in that car over there."  I looked up expecting to see an elderly man (cause my Dad is a joker), but there was Brian!  He drove all night to get to me!  (yes, I might have sung the song as I typed it)  That time I had no clue he was coming, he literally drove all night to get to me!  We joked a few times about eloping, we couldn't stand the distance, but mainly because he wanted to kiss me so bad, I was just like, "whatever..."  Lord forgive me for lying!  All those months seemed so long to wait, but they would be worth it.  
Things started to get a little more hectic after the new year.  We had the bridal party in place, but all the other details would need to come together.  I loved talking to Brian about those things.  He and I both were not picky, so things were very easy.  I do remember having to ask him for money for the first time for a deposit on something.  I felt like I was going to throw up!  We talked about money some, but we would have to start combining things, and that added a whole new element.  Money can be scary, I was shocked to see that in Brian's checkbook register he rounded everything up!  Part of my job at the bank was to help people balance their checkbook's to the penny and I balanced mine every single day.  Sometimes, I loved when it was off, just so I would have the challenge of finding it!  But this was just another way for us to grow together.  I look back now and see that God gave me a man who is a hard worker and such an incredible provider, who cares what the checkbook registry looks like!  He is such a blessing.  Even back then he was working so hard to set up a life for us.
Proverbs 12:14 "From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward."
This scripture is so full of life to me.  God has given us great weapons to use.  Our mouth is one, what we speak is life or death.  You can speak hope into your very situation.  Words carry power, they can stir us up even when our minds are struggling.  I speak myself out of bad attitudes and depression all the time.  God tells me in the bible that I am more than a conquerer, that I am more than enough, that the joy of the Lord is my strength, that if I wait on the Lord, He will renew my strength.  Keep speaking it over and over until you feel a freedom from the negative, stir up that hope, change your atmosphere!  God has also given us the ability to work and to make things happen.  Be diligent in your daily jobs, but also in the dreams and desires that He has placed on the inside of you.  If there is something you are dreaming of doing or becoming, what are doing to move toward that dream?  God is faithful to bring things to us, sometimes they fall right into our laps, but I also believe that God gives us an inner warrior to fight for our dreams and purpose in life!!  I believe in you and I believe you can do it!!  
You are worthy of love!
A few more picture of us!
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6/3/2013 03:01:47 pm

Aw yeah. Got your preach on girl


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